Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Would they be surprised?

Last night I was going through some papers, trying to catch up on my church/youth club work. I came across the notebook I used at last summer's Youth Gathering.

I re-read pages and pages of notes I took while listening to the various speakers. I didn't do such a great job with the notes, it seems, because I did not write down the name of the speaker who left us with this gem:

"You are the only Jesus some people will ever meet."

As Christians, we are a walking representation of Jesus. Everything we do and everything we say reflects our faith to the people around us.

"You're a Christian? You're kidding!" I don't remember who said it to me, but it was within the last few years, and it was like a slap in the face! What was I projecting to the world at that time to make that person so surprised?

Would the people around you be surprised to find out that you are a Christian?

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