Sunday, February 01, 2004

They think we are stupid

Perhaps it was a pathetic attempt to sell CDs. Maybe it was a desperate ploy to make sure viewers stuck around for the rest of the game. Maybe it was simply inevitable, a natural progression of the slippery slope television started down the first time a bare butt was shown on NYPD Blue.

But here is what the Janet Jackson Super Bowl Halftime exposure was NOT - an accident. As of this moment CBS, MTV, the NFL and Justin Timberlake have all issued statements denying that this event was planned. The Timberlake quote has actually called it a "costume malfunction". That idiotic statement shows just how little this man(?) thinks of the people in the audience.

I am not sure which offends me more - the obviously calculated stunt or the insulting assumption by these "artists" and corporate executives that we would believe their ridiculous denials.

Whatever is said about this event in the media over the next few days, remember this...a person's true character is demonstrated not by what they say, but by what they do.

What Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake did can never be erased by what they say. I wish it could.

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