Friday, February 13, 2004

I just don't get it - Part II

OK, some of this is my fault. I should have taken the advice of my co-workers, who are computer professionals. I knew my virus protection/popup blocker/privacy software was not installed properly, and I got attacked. Live and learn. I think I'm OK now, but I'm going to have one of the guys look at it to be sure there isn't something still lurking inside my PC.

But my question from yesterday remains unanswered - why? Why would anyone want to make a living by annoying people (unless it pays very well, such as when Julia Roberts acts)? I guess enough people actually buy products advertised in popups and spam to make that profession pay. But what about virus/worm/trojan horse writers?

I have heard it said/rationalized that virus writers, hackers and the like do a service because they point out flaws in software and make companies improve their system security, which in turn creates jobs. OK, by that twisted "logic", here are some other cause/effect relationships between bad behavior and job creation:

- Criminals provide jobs to lawyers, judges, court reporters, prison guards, etc.
- Drunk drivers provide jobs for police officers, ambulance drivers/EMTs, morgue workers, funeral directors, etc.
- Slobs provide jobs to anyone who has to clean up after them on commuter trains, in movie theatres, etc.

But does anyone in their youth dream of one day being a criminal, drunk driver or slob? Does anyone in their youth dream of becoming a virus writer?

It has been a long, busy week and I am having trouble sharpening the point on this train of thought (although I'm not too tired to recognize a mixed metaphor - sorry). So how about you give me your thoughts on this? Tell me why you think anyone would choose such a - what's a word for the opposite of uplifting - profession, and I'll post your emails.

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