Thursday, February 12, 2004

I just don't get it

This morning while surfing around, reading the news and other blogs, I was hit by a slew of popup ads, several of which generated downloads to my computer. I said NO to all the download requests, but by the time the onslaught was over I had eight new shortcuts on my desktop, lots of new links in my "Favorites" menu, and a new address in my "home page" setting.

I was able to delete almost everything, except a couple of programs which I tried to uninstall. I could not uninstall them unless I went to the company's web site and gave permission to download their uninstaller application. Well, duh, like I was going to do that!

What I don't get is this - why would anyone want to make a living like this? Producing a product (or a virus or worm or pop up ad or spam) that general society hates and deliverying it in a stealth manner? It's dishonest, deceiving and shameful. I guess these people don't have any shame.

I've got more to say on this, but I just got hit by the popup cluster bomb again. Better go take care of it.

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