Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sweet 15

My niece Amanda's 15th birthday was last week, and she asked me to help her make her birthday cake. She came over Saturday night, and we decorated the cake that I bought "naked" at the grocery store bakery.

We borrowed this idea from Women's Day Magazine. Here's how our version turned out:

We giggled so much as we worked on the various parts and pieces that Amanda lost her voice! When we brought the cake to the party the next day, everyone was amazed. My nephew Bryan was the only one who figured out right away what this was:

(Tom Hanks and Wilson escaping the island in "Castaway").

Then it was time to cut into the cake, and big laughter. Seems when we iced the top of the lower layer of the cake we failed to notice that, because it was originally the bottom of the cake, it had a sheet of parchment paper baked into it! Made it a little harder to cut, to say the least. But it still tasted great!

Happy Birthday, Amanda! Start thinking of the cake you want next year...I want to do this again!

1 comment:

Senor PeerPressure said...

I got a kick out of your blog. But all the cookie pictures gave me the munchies. Mmmmm, cookies.... Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I really appreciate it. Have a great week!